DMX 5.0 has finally arrived

After 3 and 1/2 years of work, 7 beta releases, 5 weeks after schedule, at Aug 7, 2020 DMX 5.0 has finally arrived.

The focus of this final milestone was on improving the DMX development experience.

So this the perfect moment for starting a plugin development project :slight_smile:

There are minor UI improvements as well:

Finally there are crucial bug fixes:

For the full list of changes since beta-7 see the milestone tickets:

So this is quite a juicy release :slight_smile:

You can upgrade an existing DMX 5 installation if it is not older than beta-4.

Donwload DMX 5.0:


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This means Pax Runner is detecting a running Java 14 environment (and actually is too old for running in that).

You are on Linux, aren’t you?
Can you try the method mentioned in the DMX Installation Guide for switching JDK version:

Make sure that Java 8 (not 11) is used by running

    sudo update-alternatives --config java

and selecting the right version interactively.

I can’t say anything about jenv and my guess is your problem is there, at OS level. Possibly some JRE version vs. JDK version trouble?

Maybe another Linux user can help further?

On macOS use the approach mentioned in the DMX Installation Guide.
At my Mac it looks like this:


Just add .disabled to all but one of the installed JDKs Info.plist. That is one file renaming per installed JDK. You can do this manually in the Finder.

This globally chooses one JDK version. That is every Java application on that Mac uses that version.

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